
Friday, July 9, 2010


I have wanted to learn to make kolaches FOREVER!

After reading Homesick Texan talk about kolaches,
I decided that her recipe was definately the one for me to try.
I was not dissapointed!

You prepare the dough and let it rise once.

This is the posypka - it is very important!

You roll out the dough, flatten the kolaches
and let them rise a second time.

I filled the kolaches with all of our favorite flavors ~
apple, peach, apricot, rasperry, poppyseed, and cream cheese.

I used prepared fillings for all but the cream cheese variety.
Easy and very tasty!

Add the posypka!

Bake! :-)




Thank you, thank you Homesick Texan!
I can't wait to try many more of your recipes. :-)

Coolin' Off!

Mr. H. filled the pool up last night!

And the water sure does feel good!

"But I tell you that men will have to give account
on the day of judgement
for every careless word they have spoken.
For by your words you will be acquitted,
and by your words you will be condemned."

Matthew 12:36-37

I think I am going to print this scripture out and post it in a place I can see daily as a good reminder.

Daily Bible Reading 2010

Today's reading -

2 Chronicles 24-25
Psalms 9
Proverbs 9
Matthew 12