
Friday, August 9, 2013

Favorite Apps!

For me to even be linking up today at Kelly's Korner for this week's topic on Show Us Your Life Friday shows what a long way I have come in accepting technology in my everyday life.  I usually drag my feet regarding the latest techno gadgets, but my husband happens to be pretty much the opposite.  I've had a smart phone for quite awhile and really do enjoy it, but I'm not the type to go seeking out the latest games and apps.  I usually stumble upon something that others have been using for quite some time and realize - hey that's kinda handy. ;-)  My love of all things organizational has helped me to how usefulness apps can be to organize my home, work and activities.

So, with that said, here are my top 10 favorite apps!  

1. Social Media 
Of course!  Facebook and Instagram are my favorites.
Cannot figure out Twitter to save my life, so I rarely tweet. ;-)

2. Kindle
I have a free Kindle app that I download free books to.
I even read an entire book ("Sparkly Green Earrings" by Melody Shankle - The Big Mamma blog)
in less than a week's time simply because I had it with me constantly.
I often don't remember to grab a book on my way out the door to an appointment
but I ALWAYS have my phone.
I read on my lunch break, in the car rider pick up line, etc. 

3. Google Latitude
My husband and I have this on each others phones and it tracks your location.
I like it.  It's just comforting to me to know he can check where I am at.
And, I use it often to see how long it might be until he's home
without having to bother him by calling to check.
It's great to have it on your kid's phones, too, for obvious reasons. 

4. Evernote
As I said above, I usually stumble on new apps.
One day I was typing a list of things I needed from the store onto my note apps on my phone.
I just pondered out loud to my husband that I much prefer typing my shopping lists on the computer, but I hate to waste ink and paper printing them out.  I wished that I could type on my computer and then easily send the list to my phone.  He said, "Oh honey, you need Evernote!" :-)

5. BooksApp
This is awesome to catalog your books.
It's especially useful to teachers.  
You can scan your books in with your phone using the book's barcode
and then categorize by series, collections, authors, subject, etc.

6. MapMyRun
I love this app to track routes, milage, and calories burned
and to keep a log of all exercise. 

7. AroundMe
Most anyone with a smart phone uses this I'm sure.
It basically tells you what is "around you" - restaurants, gas stations, etc.  
Great for travel.
And, it makes me an awesome co-pilot to Mr. H. ;-)

8. Camera+
My favorite phone photo editing app - simple and easy.

9. Olive Tree Bible
Now, I still carry my paper Bible with me to worship,
but Mr. H. uses his ipad and my kids use their iPhones.
I got such a giggle the first time Mr. H. was using his ipad and he nudged me 
to show me how fancy he was that he was
able to split screen it and have one passage up while he was reading from another passage.
I simply grinned at him and showed him how I put my Bible ribbon marker in one place
and turned to another.  Haha - the old fashioned way.
And, by the way, I can almost always find book, chapter, and verse
in my paper Bible more quickly than Mr. H. can with his thumbs and his ipad. ;-)

10. Words with Friends!
My favorite game.  You wanna play me??  Mrs. H 1994