
Friday, November 7, 2008

Time for School

My children never hear me when I need them to come to the table for school work. They don't hear me that is, unless I holler! I don't like to holler. It's unladylike. :-( I have discovered that they can hear this! It sounds so much nicer than Mama hollerin'...and I get to feel a little like Laura Ingalls ringing the school bell! ;-)

Do you have a little bell around the house you could use to call the children


  1. No i don't have one, it would be nice---of course mine would hide it. Knowing them. Sounds like a good idea though.

  2. Haha! Mine haven't thought to hide it yet. My daughter reads my blog, though, so I think you might have just given her an idea! ;-)

  3. Cute idea and pretty bell! My MIL collects bells. I should see if she has one to spare!

  4. Great Idea - thanks for sharing!I'll have to get me a bell.

  5. Great idea! Oh hey, just want to introduce myself, I'm Jennifer and got here from "There is no place like home" have a good night!

  6. Yes, I have a little bell, too! It's white and I keep it on a kitchen shelf. The girls and Benjamin love when I ring it.
