
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Tour of Homes

Today I am participating in ~

Be sure to stop by these fun sites. :-)

Welcome to Heritage Schoolhouse! :-)

I appreciate you stopping by and...

...I hope you enjoy your stay!

I like to decorate with red and gold
here at Heritage Schoolhouse,

and lots of Santas. :-)

Come along with me, and I'll give you a tour. :-)

This is the children's tree in the school room,
aka the dining room. ;-)
All of the ornaments that they have made are hung here.
The ornaments they get each year from their grandmother and grandfather are also displayed.

My daughter gets Santas,

and my son gets snowmen. :-)

Grandmother was also the creator of these heirloom stockings.

They are so beautiful and intricate, that some guests don't realize they are cross stitched until they are up close!

My daughter's stocking...

...and son's.

My treasured Christmas dishes are displayed in the hutch.

There are several Santa's here, too.

The Christmas decorations at Heritage Schoolhouse
are not complete until the antelope,

the whitetail,

and all the antlers have been decked out for the season. ;-)

My favorite room to make "Christmasy" is the kitchen!

I like to do a lot of holiday baking!

Please help yourself to a cookie!

Some favorite Heritage Schoolhouse recipes this time of year are...

Double Drizzle Pecan Cookies

Italian Biscotti

Chocolate Billionaires

Sugar Cookies

Thank you so much for coming to visit!
I am looking forward to visiting lots of homes on the tour. :-)

Merry Christmas from Heritage Schoolhouse! :-)

"...behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people." Luke 2:10


  1. We share some traditions! My mom started ornament collections for us as well: angels for me, santas for my sister. Our stockings are handmade, cross-stiched for Allie and a knitted one for me. Your Spode Christmas china is beautiful!

  2. From one TX homeschooler to another :-) your tour was just beautiful, thanks for having us.

  3. I love your home! Everything is just so pretty. Come and visit my house (blog!)

  4. Good Morning ~

    Thank you for sharing your home! It is so very pretty!

    Hugs ~

  5. You are a very talented photographer too! I love your photos, your home looks beautiful! Merry Christmas!
    Jaelle @

  6. Thank you for sharing you Christmas Tour, everything was just lovely! -Cheers, Amy

  7. Your home looks beautiful! And what a fun way to decorate your animal *trophies*!:)
    And as always, your goodies look delicious!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Love the red wooden Santa ornament and those stockings!!! What a treasure! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Just beautiful! You've done a wonderful job! :)

  10. There must have been a lot of time and love put into those stockings! I love your picture of your little Christmas village!

  11. What beautiful decorations and what fantastic presentation with the pictures. I love the focus and views you took with most of them :) Thanks for sharing!

  12. Your cookies look divine, as does your home. The stockings Grandma made are so special! Merry Christmas!

  13. very nice! i love your texas plaque on the wall!

  14. It all looks so wonderful! I love all of your Santa's! Thanks for letting us in!

  15. i adore the stockings & all of the santas!!!

  16. It is not a good idea to go visiting when I am hungry! I am drooling all over the goodies.

  17. Everything looks beautiful! We're homeschoolers in Florida! Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for sharing!

  18. Thanks for sharing... everything looks great:). Wow! Those stockings must've taken some time to cross-stitch. Merry Christmas!

  19. Lovely tour!!!

    Back in the day when I was a stay at home mom, and not a work full time teacher in a Christian school - - - I USED to bake. And when I USED to bake, I made those candy cane cookies every year. They were so fun and so festive, and BESIDES, my mom used to make them too so they were also a memory!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  20. We used to have a tree of handmade ornaments when we homeschooled. I still have all of those ornaments!

    Love the Spode and those Christmas stockings are just beautiful! Thanks for the tour!


  21. Everything looks warm and inviting...I love the cozy feeling! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  22. It's all beautiful! And I especially like the decorated antlers. ;)

  23. That was so much fun...I throughly enjoyed the tour! You have a beautiful home - and it looks so Christmasy! Thanks for the open door.....

  24. I love your blog and have been back to visit numerous times... I have made several loaves of cinnamon bread to give away this Christmas. Thanks for all the great recipes!

  25. What a lovely holiday home! Thanks for sharing your special touches and recipes. Merry Christmas!

  26. What beautiful stockings! Have a merry Christmas!

  27. Merry Christmas indeed - looks as if you are a fellow Texan. Love the bows on antlers - isn't that a line after "whiskers on kittens"? Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home - those cookies look wonderful!

  28. It looks like you are an expert cookie maker. Thanks for sharing and for keeping Christ in Christmas.

  29. Ok, when I saw the bows on the antlers I KNEW we could be the best of friends. That is hi.lar.ious! Everything looks so pretty. Lisa~

  30. Thank you for sharing your home, beautiful. Many blessings.

  31. Your Christmas decorations are so beautiful. I really enjoyed seeing them and visiting your home.

    You take EXCELLENT pictures!

    From a homeschooler in GA.

  32. Your Christmas decorations are so festive and cheery Mrs. H! I love the special stockings!

  33. Yum! Those cookies are delish!

    I got such a smile out of the photo in your blog header. So cute. I love all your Santas.

    Thanks for joining my blog party and giving us the tour of your home. I enjoyed it! -Julia :-)

  34. You have a beautiful home! Those cross-stitched stockings are wonderful; my mom was a cross-stitcher and I know how much time and love goes into those handmade pieces. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  35. Thank you for the tour. Those cookies look yummy!

  36. Everything is so beautiful! I LOVE the stockings!!!

    visiting from Boomama's site.

  37. Stopping by from Kimba's...

    I love your santas and those stockings are awesome!
