
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Easy Christmas Decorating Idea

Do you have framed pictures of family around your home? Maybe some in the kitchen where you spend so much time?

For the month of December, replace the ones in the frames with Christmas photos - the children with Santa when they were little, family Christmas card portraits, candids of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning from years past, snapshots of favorite holiday activities and beloved traditions. Gather ones you have, match the sizes up to a frame each will fit in and...ta-da! You have instant Christmas decorations that will warm your heart! Leave the original pictures in the frames and just put the Christmas ones on top, so after Christmas all you have to do is walk around and take out the holiday pictures as you put away your other decorations. Each year you'll have a few new ones to add. Have fun!

More holiday fun can be found at The Inspired Room! :-)


  1. Wonderful idea! Thank you - what fun!!

    If you enjoy Christmas stories - they help me put my heart right for the seaon - stop by sometime. I just put another one up.


  2. Great idea! Thanks Mrs. H. Blessings to you and your family. :)

  3. Oh dear! We're so behind in our new home in Berlin, Germany that I"m afraid we haven't even hung up every-day pictures yet! I like the idea of themed pictures, though. I'm going to remember that as we plan the decor. Thank you!

  4. I was actually planning on doing this this year. I even turned on the computer to look for photos. That's as far as I got, but its in the plans! I'm even going to look for ones of my husband and me when little. Could be fun.
