
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Couch to 5K Update

It has been one week since I
began the Couch to 5K program and I just completed my 4th "run". And, let me tell you, it was H-A-R-D! But it was wonderful at the same time. :-) There is nothing like doing something that you really thought you couldn't do!

Today's workout increased the running time from 60 second intervals to 90 second intervals. (Oh, and by the way, Couch to 5K calls this "jogging" - which I refuse to do. ;-) This is hard. It is running. And I want credit where credit is due!)

The thing that I am noticing about running is that it is really so much harder than walking or doing aerobics. I am also noticing that I am not in as good a shape as I thought I was! Yes, I know I need to loose a few pounds (Actually at my short stature, I need to lose more than a few! ;-) But, more important to me than what the scale says, is the condition of my heart (physically and spiritually). I can walk all day and I can do aerobics for quite awhile without getting too winded, but running? It is really challenging. But you know...I've always loved a good challenge! :-)


  1. GO GO GO MRS. H! YOU CAN DO IT! You already have your own personal cheerleader!!!

  2. You go girl!! I much prefer the aerobics. God bless you but you are going to feel so great when you cross that finish line.

  3. Good for you! You are so motivated!

  4. Congrats on the first week! I started this about a week and a half ago, and you are right, it is hard! Keep up the good work!

  5. Cheering from the sidelines! Go Mrs. H!

  6. Wow! Thank y'all! You are so encouraging to me! :-) I'm going to read these comments again before my next workout - thank you!!!
