
Friday, March 13, 2009

Show and Tell Friday

For Show and Tell Friday, hosted each week by Kelli, I would like to share the letters that my children brought home from the Space Exploration Day for Home School Students at the George Bush Library and Museum. While touring the library center they received a "personalized" ;-) letter from President George Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush answering a question that they chose to "ask" them. My son's was from President Bush and my daughter's was from the First Lady. I thought the letters were so nice.

Thank you for visiting the George Bush Presidential Library Center. We hope you enjoyed your day with us.

You ask, "Is there a quotation that best expresses your outlook on life?"

From an early age, I have enjoyed reading, and there are a number of favorite passages from the Bible and from writers such as Lincoln and Churchill that have given me great inspiration. but I think my favorite quotation is one I chose for the frontispiece of my autobiography, Looking Forward. The quotation is from Edward Everett Hale, Chaplain of the United States Senate and author of the book The Man Without a Country.

Look up, and not down;
Look out, and not in;
Look forward, not back;
And lend a hand.

That quotation captures the spirit of how I have tried to live my life, to be optimistic, to look for the best in people,and to do what I can to help others. Something of the same spirit led me to start the Points of Light initative when I was President, to encourage Americans to become involved in one on one voluntary efforts to improve our communities, to make community service central to their lives and work. I have often noted that any definition of a successful life must include serving others.

Again, thank you for spending time in our Library.

All the best,
George Bush

Thank you for visiting the George Bush Presidential Library Center. I hope you enjoyed every minute of your time here.

You asked which First Ladies I most admire. That's a hard question to answer, because I admire every woman who has accepted the great privilege, and responsibility, that comes along with that daunting title. But I will choose three: Pat Nixon, Lady Bird Johnson and Laura Bush.

Patricia Nixon was a woman of enormous grace and quiet, unshakable dignity. She was kind and considerate to everyone she met, an excellent mother, and a strongly devoted wife to her husband, through good times and bad. I will always remember her presence and her air of serenity. And most people don't know how much Pat Nixon did to make the White House a more beautiful, gracious place for visitors and residents alike. She is also responsible for the White House being lit at night, a beautiful sight for visitors.

Lady Bird Johnson was a wonderful, funny, generous woman who personified Texas hospitality. She had a buoyant sense of humor, and she too was a loving wife and mother. As First Lady, Lady Bird chose a cause that is very dear to my heart, the beautification of America, and I can never see flowers growing along a highway without thinking fondly of her.

Laura Bush is a strong and intelligent woman who I am proud to have as a daughter-in-law and First Lady. Her calmness and composure after September 11, 2001, brought comfort to the nation as it dealt with this great tragedy. As an advocate of literacy myself, I am happy that Laura chose reading as one of her major causes, in addition to women's health, and preserving our nation's cultural and natural heritage. She also has become a wonderful ambassador abroad for her husband and our country.

All First Ladies have brought something special to the role. For me, I know one thing for sure: I had the best job in America. Every single day was interesting, rewarding, and sometimes just plain fun.

Barbara Bush


  1. Great post! I'm sure both your son and daughter will cherish each of their treasures always.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love this! What keepsakes for them...and it makes me want to go visit this museum too!

  3. what great keepsakes, I'm sure they'll treasure them for years to come.

  4. Special memories for them. How nice that the letter's were personalized to their question.

  5. What wonderful treasures! We came through Texas about 2 years ago on our way to Arizona. We enjoyed our time in Texas and hope to come back again. We will have to visit the library next time we are there. Thanks for sharing.

  6. It's great to have you share this all with us.

    My show n tell is offered for viewing, won't you stop by sometime today and keep me company?

    Have a terrific Friday and wonderful weekend.

  7. That's awesome!

    Personally, First Lady Barbara Bush was one of my role models when I was in high school. It was un-hip, I'm sure, but I regard her highly. And for President Bush to write about service/leadership! Awesome!

  8. Your children will truly treasure these...What a great post..thanks for sharing..Julie

  9. Very special! I was just reading an article about Lady Bird Johnson in my Victoria magazine. Neat lady!

  10. What nice treasures. Thanks for sharing.

  11. What a great field trip you children experienced. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday. Here's mine.

  12. That is so nice! They are keepsakes your children will treasure for years to come. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Frameable for sure...nice treasures and memories for both your children...


  14. This is something so neat that your son and daughter can cherish.

    I admire both the former President Bush and Mrs. Bush. They are very sweet people with high morals.

    Thanks for sharing these letters:)

    Linda C

  15. awesome letters! some real American "heritage" for your Heritage Homeschool! what wonderful keepsakes. thanks for sharing them with us!

    There is always room at The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.
