
Saturday, April 18, 2009

3rd 5K to participate in...

...and 1st 5K to run *most* of!

Hoping to run all of the next one! :-)

And, let's see, that would be when I'm NOT -
running in the rain, thunder and far away lightening
running through ankle deep water and mud
running with clothing stuck to my body
running while trying to not twist my ankle in a deep hole
running looking like a very drowned rat! ;-)

Finish line! :-)


  1. Yay! You go girl! I'm so proud of you! I have a really bad ankle and cannot run so between you and my sister I'm slightly jealous! Keep it up!

  2. Congratulations!
    That is a huge accomplishment!
    xoxo Caroline

  3. wow thats a great accomplishment!! I would love to some day who knows maybe I will!

  4. Hooray for you. That IS a big accomplishment. I am interested in starting to run....but I don't know where to start really. Did you use a certain program? Or have you always been a runner?

  5. Thanks y'all! If any of you are interested and able to start running, let me encourage you to give it a try! If I can do it, ANYONE can! :-) My endurance level has gone from hardly being able to run for 1 minute to being able to run for almost 30 without stopping. Bell, I have never run before and I used the Couch to 5K plan. I didn't get to the end of the program before today's race, though. I had only finished 6 out of the 9 weeks, do to weather and busy days, but I plan to keep at it. I highly recomend it. I followed each workout exactly, and it is a good plan. There were many days that I really didn't think I was going to be able to finish the run, but it is really mind over matter! You can go to to find the program or you can find the workouts for weeks 1-6 listed in my side bar.

  6. Congratulations, Mrs. H! Those are awful weather conditions to have to run in, but you did it!

  7. I think you are awesome! (You actually look like you are in your element and had a great time!)
