
Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Cleaning Day 3

location ~ kitchen

cleaned and organized ~ under sink

What did you work on? Please share! :-)

Enjoy your weekend! Spring Cleaning will be back on Monday.
I hope to share my lists with you then.


  1. Today's cleaning was so much fun! NOT! Bathrooms! Need I say more?
    I also did a little more in my sewing area. This was fun! With the weekend coming, spring cleaning will probably be on hold until next week.
    Till then...

  2. I worked on my bathroom linen closet and medicine cabinet. I also cleaned from top to bottom the master bathroom.

  3. location - kitchen

    cleaned & organized - two cabinets. I just couldn't handle the way they were organized so I swapped some stuff around & culled a lot of glasses & cups.
