
Saturday, June 27, 2009

4th 5K

The fourth Saturday in June, means that it is time for the Polish Day Festival and the Polish Pickle Run!

Held in the charming town of Bremond, Texas.

You pick up your bib number from The Bremond Press office building.

The run begins "down town" and winds through through the small town's streets, with plenty of folks out on their front porches to cheer you on. :-)

Hay bales mark the finish line tunnel.

After catching your breath,

a stroll through the vendor booths is definitely in order.

This year, Miss Hollywood was in attendance to see Mom finish. ;-)

I was disappointed that I had to walk some during mile 2,

but I did shave six minutes off my best 5K time
and eight minutes off my first Pickle Run. :-)

I'm improving ~ and that's what counts! ;-)


  1. How wonderful!! Congrats to you, how awesome. You runner you.

    It looked like it was a fun day for everyone.

  2. Congratulations girl! How wonderful and inspiring. Good for you!! :)

  3. woo hoo! awesome! way better than i could ever do...i hate to run. :)
