
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

3 Year Blogiversary Giveaway!

A blogiversary is always a good time for a giveaway!
I thought I'd celebrate 3 years,
by giving away 3 issues
of Mary Jane's Farm magazine.

Feb/Mar, Apr/May, and Jun/Jul 2011

They are just chock full of good stuff!


great ideas


lovely articles

crafting and decorating

If you'd like to enter the giveaway,
just leave your name.

And, please tell me if you're a follower,
so I can enter your name twice!

 I'll draw a name in two weeks.
Good luck!


  1. I just found your blog today, can i enter? I've never read one of these magazines but I've been curious about them and have wanted to. My husband and I are in the very early stages of setting up our homestead.

    I'm loving your blog, by the way!

  2. Hi..........I just found you and I love your blog........I also love that you love Jesus!!!

    I am a new follower and would love to enter your delightful blogiversary giveaway. How fun is this?

    Thank you for having this and God Bless your day!
    Blessings from my farm,

  3. Hi!!
    Oh those magazines look wonderful!!
    I've been following your blog for about 2 years now..always look forward to what you have going on..esp. the recipes and gardening.
    Thanks for such a nice blog!!
    Blessings to you!!

  4. What a lovely blog...I found my way from Prairie Flower Farm. So now I have become a follower.... would love to be entered into your giveaway...

    Angee @

  5. My daughter and I have been followers for a long time. Your posts have inspired us so much. Your chicken posts inspired my daughter (stay at home daughter, age 19) so much that we are now the proud owners of 22 girls.:o Thank you so much for this wonderful site!:)

  6. Thanks for the opportunity!
    (jdgerigg at centurylink dot com)

  7. I am a new follower and was so excited to find your blog! Thanks so much for the chance to win these magazines. God Bless!

  8. I am a follower and would love to win these magazines. I have been reading your blog for around two years as well. I told my oldest I wanted this magazine for a Mother's Day gift but he did the dishes all day for me instead! My favorite part of your blog is "Muffin Monday", I can't tell you how many of them I have actually tried!

  9. Congrats on your blogiversary! I follow your blog and have been for a long time. I love magazines too!


  10. Okay, I've been trying to figure out how to add myself to "followers" hopefully this works!

  11. I found you through Prairie Flower Farms. I have read some of your blog, and will return to read more. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I've not heard of these magazines, but they sound like everything I, reading, gardening and crafting. Enter me please.

  13. I just became a follower today as well. Linda Stubs sent us on over ;)

  14. I also just discovered your blog today and came from Prairie Flower Farm's blog. I'd love to be entered in your giveawa! I live just a little over an hour away from Mary Jane's Farm and love her things!

  15. I'm also a follower now. :) Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!

  16. I just found you and have clicked to be a follower. Love your blog! Thanks to Linda from Prairie Flower Farm for showing us your blog site.

  17. What a precious blog/ministry you have! I found you via Linda at Prairie Flower Farm. I will look forward to reading your posts.
    His blessings on your day!

  18. Hi.....I am signing up again.......that silly Blogger messed up my party also. I am spoiled and think that nothing on the internet will be a problem. Silly me. I am going to tell about your party again so the ladies that came from Prairie Flower can come again. I love your blog and they are being blessed so I will tell them they need to come back.

    I was having a party also and started it last night when blogger came back on.....please come if you like. I would love to have you.

    Oh and I am a new follower.

    Hugs from my farm to your Home,

  19. Thank you so much Linda! I'm not sure what to do. says that the removed posts and the comments are coming back, but the post has been back for quite awhile now, but no comments! Kinda bad timing!! ;-) Thanks for signing up again!

    Mrs. H. :-)

  20. Congratulations on your anniversary. I also love to read your posts and I have tried many of your recipes. Thanks so much for blogging.

    Deb V

  21. I heard about your blog from Linda Stubbs at Prairie Flower Farm. I have enjoyed spending time on your blog and look forward to peeking in periodically. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Please sign me up for your giveaway.

    Thanks, Michelle

  22. Please sign me up for the giveaway. Congrats on 3 years. This is my first time looking around but I will be back again.

  23. Congratulations! I am here because of Lind at Prairie Flower Farm! She is my favorite farm chick! Hee Hee! I like the blog here and wish you many more years of blogging fun! Your giveaway is wonderful too! COme visit me soon. Anne

  24. Sure glad I get LInda's email posts otherwise I wouldn't have known to come back. I don't remember what I wrote in the old comment; something about not ever hearing of these magazines before, but they seem to contain things I enjoy most!

  25. I became a follower at that time as well.

  26. I would love to win! How fun! and I follow under the name Sarah Smith

  27. Please enter me in your drawing. I am a follower. It hasn't been warm enough yet to plant a garden here and yours is producing quite a bit. I enjoy your lovely blog!

  28. Hiya, enter me please. My name is Ella and I am following your blog.
    Thanks and God bless,


  29. I am signing up a second case the first was lost. I am a new fllower and really enjoy yor blog. thanks for the chance! God Bless!!

  30. Hi Mrs H
    I have followed your blog for about 2 years now. I love to see what you are up too with new recipes or your gardening...I'm entering for the second time...thank you!!
    Blessings &
    Happy blogging!

  31. I so love your blogg. I have followed you for several years but just became an "official" follower!
    My family loves many of your recipes and I have many yet to try.
    Thanks for all you share!!!


  32. Thank you for sharing. I am a follower also. Love your blog, just found it recently. Have passed it along to family.

  33. Hi my name's Heather. I would love to win! Looks like a great magazine! Happy 3 years :)

  34. I'm a new follower (found you at Muffin Monday) and would love to be the winner of your giveaway! I'm subscribing via Google Reader. Blessings to you and yours! ~Lisa @ Happy in Dole Valley

  35. This is a great giveaway!!
    Would love to win!
    I'm a follower under the name Kay.

  36. I have been a follower of your blog for three years now. My favorite part was Muffin Monday. We made so many of the muffins you suggested! I would love these magazines. I wanted a subscription for Mother's Day but I received dinner cooked and the kitchen cleaned instead! Thank you for a wonderful blog!

  37. I think it would be neat to win. More than that I am inviting you to come to my blog since I think we will both like the same things.

  38. Please enter me! I met you about 3 years ago on the sparrows nest. Missing her blog !

  39. The magazines look fun - thanks for the drawing!

  40. Thanks for the opportunity, and Happy Blogiversary!

  41. Happy blogiversary! I came over from Linda's blog and I am a new follower.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  42. Please sign me up. I just learned about your blog from Linda at Prairie Flower Farm and am enjoying it very much!


  43. I really enjoy your blog. I have been reading it for almost a year. Thanks for sharing and from a solid, Christian homemaker perspective!! Your pictures are wonderful, also! Congratulations on your anniversary and may the Lord continue to bless you greatly!
    -Stacy B.

  44. Hi! This is a great giveaway, please enter me. I am a brand new follower too!

  45. Just found you from your link at Gooseberry Patch for the Fresh Strawberry Pie. I'd love to be entered for your giveaway!

  46. I'd love to win these!
    I follow you too!
    arestuflplace @ gmail . com

  47. I would love to win! :-)
    (I'm also a new follower, so enter me twice!) :-)
    jccchocolate at gmail dot com

  48. I would love to win.
    Carrie Lynn

  49. 3 years already? WOW!! My sister and I both have made SO many of your recipes and have loved them all!! Keep up the wonderful blogging you do!! My family appreciates it!! smile

    Mrs. U

  50. I can't believe that it has been three years! I have been a stalker since the beginning!! I would love to win these magazines!!

  51. Hi...I'm Karen and yes, I'm a follower. I love your blog :)

  52. Hi! I've been a follower for years! You inspire me!

    Lana @ ilovemy5kids

  53. Happy 3 years! My name's Heather and I'm a follwer.

  54. I love Mary Janes Farm magazine. It's really expressed my style so very well :) :)

    I do follow your blog as well :) :) Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway :) :)

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  55. Just found you blog through the Homestead Barn Blog Hop. I am a follower now:D

  56. Great give away!! I'm following your blog!

  57. Hi! I just found this blog - how fun! I would love to win the magazines. My family and I just moved from the city into and old farmhouse in the country and are enjoying our new adventure together.

  58. Yes, love the blog and been following for over a year now! Even my husband reads over my shoulder now and then! We are about to get about 5 acres so the thought of chickens and large garden excite us both!
