
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scenes from an Evening Walk

The kittens are doing well.

They were two weeks old yesterday.

First blossoms on the tomato plants,

and the peppers.

The green beans look good.

The potato plants and onions are starting to wilt and fall over.
I think we'll harvest sometime this week.

I'm still waiting on my herbs outside to emerge,
but the ones in the kitchen indoors have started to sprout.

Dolly and Loretta enjoying  the evening.

Sweet Miss Dolly.


Lots of dewberries on the stump in the front yard.

The bluebonnets are starting to go to seed.

Love the wild chamomile! 

And the honeysuckle on our front property line.

Dolly girl.

And the black eyed susans are just starting to appear.  

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, a place to play in
and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."

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