
Friday, May 31, 2013

School's Out!

Mr. H. cut some flowers from the yard and put them in a jar 
with a sweet note for me to find when I got home from school today.  :-)

I am always so excited for the last day of school.
Sometimes I feel like I'm more excited than the kids.
Actually, back when we were homeschooling, 
I WAS more excited than the kids. ;-)

But this year I definitely have cause to celebrate along with
them, because it is my last day, too!
I have completed my first year working full time since being a mom.

It was NOT easy.  
So many things were harder than I expected.
Mr. H. pitched in with the housework more than I thought he would have to.
I was much more tired than I had imagined I would be.
(Being responsible for sweet little lives will do that I guess.)
And I missed being at home very much.
I did learn a lot over the past months and hopefully I can tweak things 
to make home run more smoothly next year. :-)

But, for now I am going to relish the next 11 weeks -
to recoup, relax, get to lots of projects and plans
and enjoy my family and my home.

Happy summer to each of you!  

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