
Monday, July 1, 2013

July Daybook

July 1, 2013

Outside my window...

are dogs, a cat, kittens, chickens and a pig
 who never cease to entertain us :-)

I am thinking...

about the cool front that blew in last night 
and how very nice the weather has been today

I am thankful...

for food grown in our backyard

In the kitchen...

I made strawberry banana pops this afternoon

I am wearing...

an Aggie t-shirt and running shorts

I am creating...

more organized, streamlined areas of my home
in hopes that when I go back to work in the fall
homekeeping will be easier 

I am going...

to the beach in two weeks! :-)

I am reading...

"Thinking in Pictures - My Life with Autism" by Temple Grandin
and I just finished "Muscle and a Shovel" by Michael Shank
I highly recommend both! 

I am hoping...

to read several more books this summer 

I am learning...

to be better at recycling

Around the house...

I'm cleaning and organizing room by room

I am pondering...

what I want to can this summer

A favorite quote...

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,
but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~ Frederick Keonig

One of my favorite things...


A few plans:

to have some friends over for the 4th of July

A peek into my day... 

treating the chickens to some lettuce


  1. your pictures add so much to your daybook. I enjoyed my visit! I am hoping the bugs leave me alone long enough to get something out of my garden to can. It has been a real fight so far, and it is early in the season.

  2. We have a garden too and love eating our own produce! Just had some squash, zucchini, onions, and potatoes from our garden tonight! Then we dipped up a bowl of ice cream and sat outside by the garden and enjoyed this unseasonably cool (In the eighties is cool here!) July evening!

  3. always enjoy my visit here. so peaceful and a reminder of the simple pleasures that life hold. thank you for your inspiration.
