
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Date Night at the Ranch

I was so, so happy to get to go out to the ranch for a date night with Mr. H. this past weekend.
The kids had plans, the cows needed to be fed, and Mr. H. needed to get his deer feeder set up for deer season.  So, Friday after work, we headed out to the ranch!

It was already dark after we fed the cows, but no worries.  
I used a flashlight and the tailgate to put together some hobo meals for our supper.

Mr. H. got a fire started and some great coals going.

It was nice to sit and visit while we waited for our tasty dinner to cook.

It always amazes me how such simple ingredients tossed into some foil
ends up tasting SO good!

We enjoyed the campfire, the many stars,
and, of course, a s'more or two!

The next morning we drove out to set up the deer feeder.

Mr. H. got it set up and filled,

and then was messing with the timer.

He accidentally set it off while he was standing under it!  
It was quite funny. :-)

We took a couple of pictures in a pretty spot by the pond,

and then did some target practice.

Like my custom, hand made holsters?  They're courtesy of Mr. H. :-)

Far too soon it was time to pack up and head home.

Just past the gate there was a tree down on the county road 
that wasn't there the night before!

Mr. H. quickly got it out of the way with his chainsaw that he usually carries with him!

We made it in plenty of time to enjoy some lunch at Snow's on the way home!

They're only open on Saturday's and when they sell out,
they sell out!

Best brisket in Texas!  Trust me. :-)

Date nights at the ranch.  Sure wish they could happen more often.
But, I guess if they did, they wouldn't feel as special.

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