
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Harvesting the Onions

I harvested our onions today that we planted
back in February.

We got sixty onions from a $2 onion set.

All they need now is a day or two in plenty of sunshine,

and then a few weeks indoors to finish curing.
Can't wait to enjoy them for the next several months.

We also got our first ripe cherry tomato,

noticed a gazillion blossoms on the squash and cucumber plants,

counted eight bell peppers,

and one jalapeƱo.

A good day in the garden!! :-)

Linked to Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop #59, Homestead Revival Barn Hop #65


  1. I was unaware that you had to let the onions sit in the sunlight for a couple days. As well as in the house a few weeks before you use them. Thank you so much for the information. We have onions in the garden that will be ready for harvest in a few weeks.

  2. Tina, you can use them straight out of the ground. You only need to cure the ones that you want to save for long term storage. If you pull them and don't let them dry or "cure" they can rot before you are able to use them all. If they cure properly, I should be able to store these for up to six months. Here is a link that explains it in more detail -

    Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  3. Mrs H..
    I was wondering about your potato harvest..we always let our plants die back before we pulled them or harvested them..did you do that? I love digging for do too..:)It sounds so nice to be getting a harvest now of fresh produce..we are just planting in PA.

  4. I love this time in the garden! My husband just canned 18 pints of green beans and more to come! We cut back this year because we had a baby coming, but the tomatoes and peppers are blooming well. Sadly, no potatoes or onions this year. I will sure miss the new potatoes boiled with a BIG hunk of butter!

  5. Thank you so much. We just harvested the onions yesterday. Well all the ones the fell over we have a few more in the garden. I have them sitting in the sun and then I will cure them. I won't be able to use all of them so glad to know they will last.

  6. JoAnn, we didn't let them die back. We also didn't know to plant the seed potatoes with eyes up. That might have had a lot to do with our poor production. Hoping next year will be better for potatoes with what we've learned. :-)
