Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Morning Coffee

Every morning I look forward to my first cup of coffee. A few moments of quiet before the busyness of the day begins. And this morning, a few chuckles, too -
“Be a coffee-drinking individual - espresso yourself!”
~Author Unknown

“I make serious coffee - so strong
it wakes up the neighbors.”
~Author Unknown

“In America you can buy bucket-sized cups of coffee in any flavor you like other than coffee-flavor.”
~Author Unknown

“Deja Brew: The feeling that you've
had this coffee before.”
~Author Unknown

"I bought a decaffinated coffee table;
you can't even see the difference."
~Author Unknown

“This coffee tastes like mud!
Well, it was ground this morning.”
~Author Unknown(I had to think about this last one for awhile ,
before I got it! Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning…)

That "Mr. Author Unknown"
– he sure is a funny guy! ;-)

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