Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mr. H.'s ATV Adventures

Mr. H. has been 4wheeling again!

On the mountain ATV trails of beautiful New Mexico.

Just a bunch of guys doing guy things.

And having a great time at it! ;-)

Mr. H. never forgets to take a few scenery pictures for me. :-)

Welcome home! We missed you!

Magazine Storage for the Magazine Addicted ;-)

Most organizational books and popular television programs about organizing and decluttering are likely to tell you that one of the best things that you can do to clear out some clutter is to get rid of all those magazines laying around. The ones you never read and that are gathering dust and taking up space. "Get rid of all but the latest issues!" they tell us.

Well, that happens to be one organizing tip that I have never followed! ;-) I keep lots of my old magazines because I do refer to them for inspiration and ideas. In order to do this, though, I need to keep the magazines stored in a way that will make getting to and using the magazines practical for me.

I store my magazines in six rubber maid containers. This keeps them safe from dust or potential water damage. In the containers, they are organized by month.

I keep all the containers under the bed. They are easy to get to, but are also hidden from view. The key to making them useful is to take out a few issues of each magazine for each month.

I store these in my nightstand. I have about two dozen "September" issues in the drawer right now, just waiting to be looked through in the evenings or when I have a little extra time. The articles, crafts, recipes, and ideas will all be relevant to the season, and if I didn't get to something last year, maybe I will this time around. At the end of September, I will put these back in the containers under the bed and replace them with October issues.

My monthly Taste of Home issues are stored in two binders in the kitchen so they will be handy for menu planning.

If you are a maggazine addict like me,
I hope this gives you some ideas
for keeping your magazines around a little longer.
Happy magazine reading! :-)

I just couldn't end this post without sharing how I acquired these binders. They are very special to me. :-) I purchased them with a $20 gift certificate that Riemann Publications sent me for contributing to an article in Country Woman several years ago. It was about funny things that children say and I shared a story from our supper table when my son was about three years old. We were having spaghetti that evening, and as soon as we sat down, my son quickly reminded me that I hadn't put everything we needed for our meal on the table. He requested the "pizza sugar". It took me a moment, but I soon realized that he was asking for the parmesan cheese! ;-) We had a chuckle that night and down the road it earned Momma a gift certificate for a storage solution! :-)