Monday, May 28, 2012

The pool is open!

We still have three days of school left,
but Mr. H. and son spent Memorial Day afternoon
getting us ready for summer!

They worked together and had the new pool set up
in the time it took me to run to the store for 
cookout fare!

The water sure felt good to them as the pool was filling up!

Yay for summertime!
It's almost here. :-)

Muffin Monday - Glazed Doughnut Muffins

It's been too long since the last Muffin Monday!

So, today I tried out

So, so yummy!

The glaze really did taste like the glaze on a doughnut. :-)

I love to start out a week with muffins on Monday.
Don't you??

Memorial Day 2012

"The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree."
~Thomas Campbell