Supper Menus
January 31st - February 5th
baked lemon chicken with new potatoes and vegetables
mexican lasagna, guacamole, homemade salsa, tortilla chips
venison texas chili, jalapeno cornbread
spaghetti, rosemary bread
homemade pizza
kung pao chicken
"The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Monday, January 31, 2011
Opal Gold
Found a new variety of apple today at the grocery.
"Opal Gold"
You really can't tell from the picture,
but it was as yellow as a yellow bell pepper!
And so tasty.
Barnyard Progress
Over the past few days much progress has been made on the barnyard.
Mr. H. took down some lattice work that has been such an eyesore.
Yay! NOT sorry to see that go. :-)
And has completed the fencing around the yard.
All that's left is to put in a gate and clip the chicken's wings.
After that they'll have lots more room to roam!
Then it will be time to paint the shed and the storage building barn red! Can't wait!
Light Lunches
I've recently found (thank you Kristi!) a wonderful resource for light recipes -
It's full of lots of recipes I'd like to try.
For lunch today, Mr. H. and I had
Not only was it good, but Mr. H. ate whole wheat pasta without a complaint, and...after splitting an apple for an afternoon snack, neither one of us got hungry before supper!
Bible Quiz Day 61
Answer to question 60 - Paul (I Corinthians 15:8-9)
Question 61 - The Lord's church was established in the city of __________ on the day of __________.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sour Dough Bread Starter
Sour Dough Bread Starter Experiment
Day #1
After spending the better part of the past several days trying to find on-line instructions for sour dough bread starter,
I finally stumbled upon these
I finally stumbled upon these
There is A LOT of information out there about sour dough bread and most of it confused me. At one point, I even googled "sour dough bread for dummies"! ;-)
So here I go! Hoping this works and we have our first loaf of sour dough bread sometime next week!
So here I go! Hoping this works and we have our first loaf of sour dough bread sometime next week!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The chickens are 6 months old!
Patsy Cline
the Rhode Island Red
the Barred Plymouth Rock
the White Plymouth Rock
Emmy Lou
the New Hampshire Red
the Buff Orpington
And who is responsible for all these eggs??
Miss Patsy Cline has laid an egg a day for the past week!
We know for sure that she is laying and she lays in the nesting boxes.
We also have another layer, but I haven't figured out who it is yet.
She is laying in the yard in the same spot.
It has been such a fun six months!
Bible Quiz Day 60
Answer to 59 - Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)
Question 60 - __________ is called the apostle "born out of due time."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
It's coming along...
I already love the changes Mr. H. is making.
Doesn't this look so much better,
than before? :-)
Now that the fence is down,
you can see the previous color of the shed.
MY part of the barnyard project is to paint it!
The plan is to cutesy it up with barn red paint and white trim. :-)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Banana Muffins
Banana Muffins
12 servings
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3 bananas, mashed
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Add bananas and mix well. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add to banana mixture. Pour into a greased or paper lined muffin tin. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. Serve warm with butter and enjoy!
Out of the blue my daughter requested "banana muffins, no nuts" for breakfast. This is the recipe I used. She loved them. I think my son did as well after hearing him proclaim them "as good as chocolate chip muffins!" ;-)
Bible Quiz Day 59
Answer to question 58 - Nichodemus
Question 59 - __________ is called the first Christian martyr.
The start of the barnyard!
Mr. H. has started to build a barnyard.
He is using some existing structures, but changing things up a bit.
He's taking down some fences to reuse in other ways.
And making room for animal pens.
He'll also be extending the chicken yard.
The girls will be so pleased.
(Though they aren't too fond of the power tools being used right now!)
I'm not really sure what the finished result will look like.
It's all in Mr. H.'s head right now!
But, as always, I love to watch the process!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Bible Quiz Day 58
Answer to question 57 - Judas; Peter (Matthew 10:4; Matthew 26:69-75)
Question 58 - __________ a ruler of the Jews, came to Jesus by night.
Heritage Farm Fresh Egg vs. Store Bought Egg :-)
Mr. H. wanted to do a blind taste test!
I gave him a bite of the fresh egg first,
then I gave him a bite of the grocery store egg.
The result?
He said the first bite he had was richer and had more flavor.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The temperature has been falling steadily since we got up this morning. I figured it'd be a good day to have some roll dough rising by the fireplace, and try out the Pioneer Woman's Buttered Rosemary Rolls with supper.

Bible Quiz Day 57
Answer to question 56 - 12 Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Thomas, Matthew, Bartholomew, James, Simon, Thaddeus, Judas
Question 57 - __________ betrayed Jesus; __________ denied him.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Bible Quiz Day 56
Answer to question 55 - Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-46)
Question 56 - Jesus called __________ apostles. Name them.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Menu Plan Monday
Supper Menus
January 10th-15th
hamburger soup, jalapeno cheese corn bread, vermont maple oatmeal pie
saucy chicken sandwiches, potato chips, apple slices
spicy spaghetti, caesar salad, focaccia bread
chicken pot pie, blueberry quick bread with vanilla sauce
out for supper
stir fry, white rice
Please visit Menu Plan Monday for more menu planning ideas.
January 10th-15th
hamburger soup, jalapeno cheese corn bread, vermont maple oatmeal pie
saucy chicken sandwiches, potato chips, apple slices
spicy spaghetti, caesar salad, focaccia bread
chicken pot pie, blueberry quick bread with vanilla sauce
out for supper
stir fry, white rice
Please visit Menu Plan Monday for more menu planning ideas.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Bible Quiz Day 55
Answer to question 54 - Nazareth (Matthew 2:7)
Question 55 - The Jews' great temple was in the city of __________?
Aggies in the Cotton Bowl tonight!
~Aggie~ pasta salad!
A fun Christmas gift from my sister.
Texas A&M cookie cutouts!
Gig'em Aggies! Whoop!
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