I'm a busy stay at home, homeschooling mom with lots of commitments, responsibilities, and wonderful activities as part of my life. I know you are busy, too, whether you also home school, or work full time, or have several children in public school, or are retired and busy with grandchildren, or maybe several of these things at the same time...a busy life is a fun life! But, it also means you realistically don't have a week or two at your disposal to completely spring clean your home top to bottom with no distractions. (If you do - you go girl! :-) Here at Heritage Schoolhouse we are going to spring clean a little bit each day, baby steps, one step at a time! :-) This is doable! I can do it! You can do it! :-)
If you would like to join in, each day we will be cleaning one item and organizing one item. Sometimes your cleaning and organizing item might be the same ~ for example the pantry that needs to be organized and the shelves wiped down. Or you might clean and organize separate items ~ launder all the curtains in one room and organize a drawer. Whatever you do, each day's work should take approximately one hour total and not much more.
Now, where is this extra hour miraculously going to come from?! ;-) You have to create this hour! And you can! The hour can come from getting up an hour earlier than your usual rising time. Or, if you're not a morning person, you can use the hour that you might usually be on the computer or maybe record your television programs, watch them over the weekend, and use that hour. The point is that we all rarely have hours at a time, but we can use a little time every day to reach our goals!
So, today, take a little time, go through your home and make two lists ~ one for things that need to be cleaned. For example ~ windows washed, curtains laundered, ceiling fans dusted, light fixtures cleaned (you can do all the ones in your entire home or just a particular room, depending on how many windows, curtains, etc. that you have.) Make another list of areas (small areas!) that need to be decluttered and/or organized. Examples ~ a specific drawer, a bookshelf, a cabinet. You can assign these items to a particular day or just leave your lists as is and tackle one item of your choice from each list each day.
Now we have a plan! So much of the success of getting things accomplished is in the planning part. Plan the work ~ work the plan! :-) We will only be working on weekdays, taking the weekends off for fun time (or catch up time if you need it!)
Who's in?? How many items do you have on each list? I don't have the technical savvy to have a Mister Linky ;-), but please feel welcome to share your progress in the comments each day or share a link to your blog in the comments, if you are blogging your progress. I will post a spring cleaning update each evening. Tomorrow, April 1st, will be Heritage Schoolhouse Spring Cleaning Day 1. What will you be working on tomorrow?! :-)